Racial Precursors for
Personality Disorders
Being Native American or
African American
Being a young adult
Having low socioeconomic
Being divorced, separated,
widowed, or never married
Personality disorders are more
than just having certain personality tendencies. They are actual disorders in
which the person's characteristics are inflexible with enduring patterns of
behaviors that can lead to significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other areas of functioning, according to the researchers.
disorder traits include obsessive neatness, perfectionism, and worrying.
It is the most common personality disorder and affects 8% of adults, some 16
million people, cutting across all gender, income, marital, and regional
groups. It is more common in whites than Asians and Hispanics.
Paranoid personality
disorder entails a generally distrustful view of situations and people,
seeing deliberate threats everywhere -- affects 4% of adults, especially
women, minorities, young adults between 18 and 29 years old, those with
lower incomes, and divorced, widowed, or separated people, and with less
than a high school education.
Antisocial personality
disorder affects 4% of adults -- and is three times more common for men
than women, especially young Native Americans with little income or
education. People with this disorder have no respect for other people and
feel no remorse about effects of their behavior; this person is impulsive,
belligerent, irresponsible, aggressive, and violent.
Schizoid personality
disorder describes an introverted, solitary, emotionally cold person who
is fearful of closeness and intimacy. It affects 3% of adults, especially
young blacks, Native Americans, and Hispanics in the lowest income groups,
with no high school diploma.
Avoidant personality
disorder describes a person with excessive social discomfort, timidity,
and fear of criticism. It affects 2% of adults, especially young Native
American women in the 30- to 44-year-old age group. People with no high
school diploma were three times as likely to have this disorder.
Histrionic or borderline
personality disorder affects 2% of adults, especially young blacks in
lower income groups, with little education. They demand constant attention;
they are also self-dramatizing, self-indulgent, demanding, excitable, and
Dependent personality
disorder describes a submissive person who requires excessive
reassurance and advice -- affects 0.5% of adults, primarily young women in
lowest income brackets, with the least education.
These disorders infuse one's life
with considerable turmoil, often jeopardizing marriages and employment. Even
when people get treatment, they often drop out, and begin a downward spiral into
drug abuse and crime.
SOURCE: Grant,
B. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, July 2004: vol 65, pp 948-958. National
Mental Health Association.
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