As a survivor of this disease at the age of 15, I felt it was important enough to place a fact sheet about it on this page. It can, has and will kill our young if not diagnosed early enough!
Reye's Syndrome Facts
- No one is immune. Reye's Syndrome affects all ages, both genders, and every race.
- Reye's will generally follow a viral illness or upper respiratory infection, i.e., cold, flu, chicken pox, ear infection, etc.
- A fever need not be present
- Reye's Syndrome occurs year round--not just during the winter months.
- Reye's Syndrome runs its course within a matter of hours to just a few days.
- Aspirin and salicylate-containing medications do not have to be ingested to bring on Reye's. These medications only increase a person's chance of developing the disease. (Medication List)
- A person diagnosed with Reye's Syndrome must be hospitalized and treatment begun immediately. (Treatment)
- Reye's Syndrome usually appears after a flu-like infection, upper respiratory infection, chicken pox, etc.
The early signs are usually continuous vomiting, listlessness, loss of energy, aggressiveness, confusion, and irrational behavior.
- Medicines at the very least can mask symptoms.
- Do not give your child aspirin or anti-nausea medications.
- Phone your doctor immediately.
- Abnormal Liver Tests: SGOT and SGPT strongly suggest a diagnosis of Reye's Syndrome.
- Time is important! Early diagnosis is VITAL. Reye's Syndrome has been known to kill !!
(Sources: About.com and Web MD)
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