Elder Abuse Is a Serious
Each year hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused, neglected and exploited by family members and others. Many victims
are people who are older, frail, and vulnerable and cannot help themselves
and depend on others to meet their most basic needs. Many of these victims are American
Legislatures in all 50 states have passed some form of
elder abuse prevention laws. Laws and definitions of terms vary
considerably from one state to another, but all states have set up reporting
systems. Generally, adult protective services (APS) agencies receive and
investigate reports of suspected elder abuse.
Reports to APS agencies of domestic elder abuse increased
150 percent between 1986 and 1996. This increase dramatically exceeded the
10 percent increase in the older population over the same period.
A national incidence study conducted in 1996 found the
persons, aged 60 and over, experienced abuse, neglect, and/or self-neglect
in a one-year period;
four times as many new incidents of abuse, neglect, and/or self-neglect were
not reported as those that were reported to and substantiated by adult
protective services agencies;
Persons, aged 80 years and older, suffered abuse and neglect
two to three times their proportion of the older population; and
Among known perpetrators of abuse and neglect, the perpetrator
was a family member in 90 percent of cases. Two-thirds of the
perpetrators were adult children or spouses.
- Physical Abuse
Any physical pain or injury which is willfully inflicted upon an elder by a
person who has care or custody of, or who stands in a position of trust with
that elder, constitutes physical abuse. This includes, but is not limited
to, direct beatings, sexual assault. unreasonable physical restraint, and
prolonged deprivation of food or water.
- Financial Abuse
Any theft or misuse of an elder's money or property, by a person in a
position of trust with an elder, constitutes financial abuse.
- Neglect
The failure of any person having the care or custody of an elder to provide
that degree of care which a reasonable person in a like position would
provide constitutes neglect. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Failure to assist in personal hygiene or the provision of clothing for
an elder.
- Failure to provide medical care for the physical and mental health
needs of an elder. This does not include instances in which an elder
refuses treatment.
- Failure to protect an elder from health and safety hazards.
- Self-Neglect
Failure to provide for self through inattention or dissipation. The
identification of this type of case depends on assessing the elder's ability
to choose a life-style versus a recent change in the elder's ability to
- Psychological/Emotional Abuse
The willful infliction of mental suffereing, by a person in a position of
trust with an elder, constitutes psychological/emotional abuses. Examples of
such abuse are: verbal assaults, threats, instilling fear, humiliation,
intimidation, or isolation of an elder.
- Abandonment
Abandonment constitutes the desertion or willful forsaking of an elder by
any person having the care and custody of that elder, under circumstances in
which a reasonable person would continue to provide care of custody.
- Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is defined as non
consensual sexual contact of any kind with an elderly person. Sexual contact
with any person incapable of giving consent is also
considered sexual abuse. It includes but is not limited to unwanted touching,
all types of sexual assault or battery, such
as rape, sodomy, coerced
nudity, and sexually explicit photographing.
Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse include
but are not limited to:
- bruises around the breasts or genital area;
- unexplained venereal disease or genital infections;
- unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding;
- torn, stained, or bloody underclothing; and
- an elder's report of being sexually assaulted or raped.
Referrals for Elder Abuse by State
State |
Domestic Elder
Abuse |
Elder Abuse |
Accessibility |
Comments |
Alabama |
800-458-7214 |
800-458-7214 |
AL only |
Alaska |
907-269-3666 |
907-269-3666 |
AK only
Out of State |
Arizona |
877-767-2385 |
877-767-2385 |
AZ only |
TDD 877-815-8390 |
Arkansas |
800-482-8049 |
800-582-4887 |
Nationwide |
Accepts referrals for 18+ |
California |
None available |
800-231-4024 |
California only |
Domestic - contact
county social services; #s
at CA web site;
dss.cahwnet.gov/getser/cfstable.html |
Colorado |
800-773-1366 |
800-238-1376 |
Nationwide |
Accepts referrals 18+ |
Connecticut |
888-385-4225 |
860-424-5200 |
CT only |
Delaware |
800-223-9074 |
800-223-9074 |
Nationwide |
Accept referrals for 18+ |
Dist. Of Columbia |
202-727-2345 |
202-434-2140 |
Accepts referrals 18+ |
Florida |
800-962-2873 |
800-962-2873 |
Nationwide |
Georgia |
800-677-1116 |
404-657-5726 or
404-657-4076 |
800# is Eldercare Locator |
Guam |
671-475-0268 |
671-475-0268 |
On weekends, holidays &
between the hours 5pm-
8am on weekdays call
671-646-4455 |
Hawaii |
808-327-6280 |
Same |
East Hawaii
West Hawaii |
Idaho |
208-334-2220 |
None available |
Illinois |
800-252-8966 |
800-252-4343 |
IL only |
After hours, report
domestic abuse at 800-
279-0400 |
Indiana |
800-992-6978 |
800-992-6978 |
Out of state,
call 800-545-
7763, X20135 |
Accepts referrals for 18+ |
Iowa |
800-362-2178 |
515-281-4115 |
800# Iowa only |
Accepts referrals for 18+ |
Kansas |
785-296-0044 |
800-842-0078 |
KS only
Out of state |
Long-Term Care Ombudsman: 877-662-8362 (KS
only) or 785-296-3017 (Out-of-state)
Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities: 800-221-7923 |
Kentucky |
800-752-6200 |
800-752-6200 |
KY only |
Louisiana |
800-259-4990 |
800-259-4990 |
LA only |
Maine |
800-624-8404 |
800-624-8404 |
ME only |
Accepts referrals for 18+ |
Maryland |
(1-800-917-7383) |
(1-800-917-7383) |
MD only |
Massachusetts |
800-922-2275 |
800-462-5540 |
MA only |
Michigan |
800-996-6228 |
800-882-6006 |
MI only |
Minnesota |
800-333-2433 |
800-333-2433 |
Nationwide |
Referral to LINKAGE
and county service |
Mississippi |
800-222-8000 |
800-227-7308 |
MS only
Nationwide |
Missouri |
800-392-0210 |
800-392-0210 |
MO only |
Accepts referrals for 18+ |
Montana |
800-332-2272 |
None available |
MT only |
Nebraska |
800-652-1999 |
800-652-1999 |
NE only |
Accepts referrals 18+ w/functional or mental
impairments |
Nevada |
800-992-5757 |
800-992-5757 |
Nationwide |
Reno area:702-784-8090 |
New Hampshire |
603-271-4386 |
603-271-4396 |
NH only
Out of state |
New Jersey |
800-792-8820 |
800-792-8820 |
NJ only |
New Mexico |
505-841-6100 |
505-841-6100 |
NM only
& Out-of-state |
New York |
800-342-9871 |
None available |
North Carolina |
800-662-7030 |
800-662-7030 |
NC only |
North Dakota |
800-755-8521 |
800-755-8521 |
ND only |
Ohio |
None available |
800-282-1206 |
Nationwide |
Oklahoma |
800-522-3511 |
800-522-3511 |
OK only |
24 hours, 7 days |
Oregon |
800-232-3020 |
800-232-3020 |
OR only |
Pennsylvania |
800-490-8505 |
1-800-254-5164 |
Nationwide |
Puerto Rico |
787-725-9788 or
787-721-8225 |
Rhode Island |
401-222-2858 x321 |
401-222-2858 x321 |
South Carolina |
800-868-9095 |
800-868-9095 |
SC only |
South Dakota |
605-773-3656 |
605-773-3656 |
Monday thru Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm |
Tennessee |
888-277-8366 |
888-277-8366 |
Nationwide |
Ages 18+ who are
impaired |
Texas |
800-252-5400 |
800-458-9858 |
Out of state
TX and contiguous states |
Utah |
801-264-7669 or
800-371-7897 |
801-264-7669 or
800-371-7897 |
UT only |
Vermont |
800-564-1612 |
800-564-1612 |
VT only |
Virgin Islands |
None available |
None available |
Virginia |
(804)371-0896 |
(804)371-0896 |
VA only
Out of state |
Elder Info.
800-552-3402 |
Washington |
800-422-3263 |
800-562-6078 |
WA only |
Info. 800-422-3263 (nationwide), also http://www.aasa.dshsh.wa.gov |
West Virginia |
800-352-6513 |
800-352-6513 |
WV only |
Wisconsin |
608-266-2536 |
608-266-8944 |
800#s WI only
Out of state |
800-488-2596 or
Consumer Protection:
800-422-7128 |
Wyoming |
307-777-6137 |
307-777-7123 |
For referrals to local
agency |
(Source: On Health)
Copyright 1998-2016 American
Indian Health Council. All rights reserved.