Asthma Fact Sheet
During an episode of asthma:
Signs and Symptoms
Asthma Triggers
Source: American Lung Association MISCONCEPTION: Many asthma patients believe their asthma is under control... FACT: But 78 percent of parents and 84 percent of adult patients report that asthma has had a negative impact on their lives. MISCONCEPTION: Many adult patients and parents state that their asthma is easy to manage... FACT: But 83 percent of parents and 75 percent of adult patients reported unscheduled visits to the doctor over the past year due to asthma attacks. MISCONCEPTION: Many asthma patients believe that they're living a normal life... FACT: But 61 percent of all asthma patients and 73 percent of parents of children with asthma report that they've altered their lives by limiting sports participation or exercise, finding it difficult to sleep through the night, missing work or school, and making unplanned trips to the doctor, or emergency room. MISCONCEPTION: Many families with members who have asthma believe that theirs is a "normal" family life... FACT: But 70 percent of parents and patients agree that the whole family is affected by one member's asthma, and nearly 50 percent say asthma limits the range of activities the family can do together. MISCONCEPTION: Many asthma patients and parents think they know the difference between a controller medicine (that helps keep symptoms from occurring) and a "reliever" medication that can help alleviate an attack ... FACT: But when asked to name a controller medication, 73 percent of adult patients and 79 percent of parents of asthmatics, actually named a fast-acting reliever" medication.
Source: American Lung Association
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