The number of AIDS cases is rising among Indian women.
Of all races/ethnicities, AI/AN had the highest percentages of diagnosed HIV infections due to injection drug use. (Centers for Disease Control).
By the end of 2010, an estimated 1,945 AI/AN with an AIDS diagnosis had died in the United States. In 2010, HIV infection was the ninth leading cause of death among AI/AN aged 25 to 34. (Centers for Disease Control)
HIV is contracted through:
- sexual contact
- sharing needles for drugs/tattoos with someone who has HIV
- blood transfusion
- pregnant women can pass HIV to their babies before/during birth
and/or when they breast feed
HIV is NOT contracted through:
- air
- shaking hands with or hugging a person who has HIV,
- toilet seats
- insect bites
- and sharing food/dishes with HIV infected person.
You can reduce your risk of contracting the HIV virus by:
- using condoms (latex rubber)
- not sharing needles used for drugs or tattoos
- limiting your number of sex partners
- abstaining from sex
There are currently NO funded HIV/AIDS services specifically targeting Indians in Los Angeles.